7th and Dawson Get Unanimous Planning Commission Approval


Burnham Planning & Development is proud to announce that we received unanimous Planning Commission approval on another project. 7th and Dawson is a 23 unit townhome project that will bring much needed for sale housing to the Rose Park neighborhood in Long Beach. We will have more news to come soon.

Congratulations to Matt Hamilton, Summa Architecture, EKA, and all team members.

You can read more about it in the LB Post:

Micro Unit Ordinance

The City of Long Beach has a new micro-unit ordinance. This allows for residential units to be smaller than what the zoning code allowed previously. This is welcomed news because it reflects the changing demographics of the City. Micro-units will bring much needed housing to Long Beach. With smaller units, each unit will have a lower cost to rent than similar quality units that are larger.

Burnham Planning & Development has been very supportive of the ordinance in its inception. We have a few micro-unit projects in the works now and will announce them soon. Stay tuned!

If you’d like to work with us to create micro-units, please don’t hesitate to reach out!

You can read more about the micro-unit ordinance here.
A great article from the Downtown Long Beach Alliance (DLBA) with a quote from Derek’s perspective here.

PD-32 Amended

Burnham Planning & Development is proud of the opportunity to partner with Sares Regis Group in amending the Douglas Park Planned Development (PD-32 North). 

PD-32 North has been an area in which it was difficult to classify some industrial uses, due to the way the original planning documents were written and the evolution of industrial uses. With our input, PD-32 North has been modified to allow for additional land uses and provide more flexible development standards, while keeping with the City’s original vision for the industrial park. The need for these amendments was underscored by some challenges with approving Rocket Lab to locate in Douglas Park; the new regulations will more easily facilitate aerospace and other modern industrial uses. 

Burnham Planning & Development appreciates the collaboration with Long Beach Development Services to draft these amendments, and we look forward to bringing additional new businesses to Douglas Park.

PD-32 North can be viewed here.

New ADU Laws 2020

Burnham Planning & Development is proud to announce one of the first ADU projects in Long Beach on a multifamily dwelling has been approved with our help. If you’re unfamiliar with the new ADU laws, here is a quick overview::

2020 ADU Laws

The short: 

The new 2020 ADU laws in California allow you to add units to existing single family and Multifamily property through a quick process.

The long:

The new ADU laws took effect on 1-January-2020 in California. SB13 is summarized below:

  1. One can add up to two units to existing single family residential property and three units to existing multi family residential property.

    1. One of those three units must be converted from existing space. (meaning you can convert a garage to a unit and it would not trigger any parking requirements)

    2. Two of those three units can be newly built.

    3. On Multifamily properties, existing space (storage, garage, etc.) can be converted to an ADU, and under certain circumstances, ADUs can be added via new construction.

  2. Units have a maximum of 50% of square footage of primary building, or a maximum of 1,200 square feet.

If you would like to explore what is possible with your property, click the green button below to get started.

Cherry AUP

Burnham Development just got an AUP approved..png

Burnham Planning & Development specializes in solving complex land use problems that require unique approaches.

This is a plastics manufacturing facility. To accommodate new machinery, the plastics manufacturer reduced the number of on-site parking spaces, resulting in a deficiency of 5 spaces. To address the parking deficiency, 5 spaces located across the street were deed restricted for the use of the main building when it was leased. Decades later, the owner of the leased property wanted to sell, but due to the deed restriction for parking, no buyer was willing to close with it on title.

What we did:
We worked with City staff to identify a course of action that would allow for the deed restriction to be removed, while still providing code-required parking for the main building of the plastics manufacturer. This required an Administrative Use Permit (AUP) to remove the deed restriction on the lot. The process was complicated because we still needed to supply 5 parking spaces. The owner of the main building rented the building next door to his which had excess parking for the designated use, so we were able to demonstrate to the city that there is adequate parking by assembling a diagram with parking calculations before and after. The city wanted to record another deed restriction, but we were able to get it done with recording a covenant that goes away when the use of the building changes so that this situation would not arise again in the future.

This process took 3 months and required a public hearing.

If you have a problem with any city, we can solve it. Don’t hesitate to reach out. Click the green button below to start the process.